After some time talking with co-workers, you return to your desk to work.
You feel a little lighter after talking and making jokes with people you might one day be able to call friends. You never hang out with them after work, mainly because you’re never in the mood to do anything but lie down and sleep after work.
You don’t like to bring anyone down, so you tend to make up reasons for why you can’t go anywhere. You hope that you don’t become a downer when you go out to eat with Cheryl.
She’s a bit of a gossip, and she would probably tell everyone what a depressing mess of a human life you are. After that, there would be no chance to have a friend at work. They’d all avoid you.
You shake your head and get back to data entry. Time passes, and you can hear footsteps behind you. You turn your chair, seeing Cheryl. She asks if you’re ready to go.

Tell Cheryl you changed your mind.

Go with Cheryl.