
As the game opens, Kaos narrates his previously failed plans as he tells the Portal Master that he has captured Master Eon, Flynn, Cali, and Hugo. Now that Kaos has control of the portals, he tells the players that they are getting cut off from Skylands forever. Hugo manages to get through to the Portal Master stating that they must place a land vehicle on the portal so that they can get the Skylanders to Skylands. Once that is done, the Skylanders infiltrate a transport ship owned by Count Moneybone where they manage to free Hugo, Cali, and Flynn. Hugo tells them that there are other prisoners on the transport ship that need to be free too. Upon getting topside, Flynn, Cali, and Hugo see a contraption that is "eating the sky". Hugo's book glows as Master Eon's message states that he has been taken captive and that Kaos has used the Darkness to construct the Sky Eater. In order to combat it, a special team of Skylanders called the SuperChargers have been assembled to help combat the Sky Eater utilizing special rift engines that utilize the same technology as the portals.

At Motley Meadows, the Skylanders find that it is under attack by the Sky Eater and they must rescue the inhabitants. Back on the transport ship, they work together to take out Count Moneybone's fighter ships that are targeting the escape pods that he had activated. Upon gaining control of the lead ship and rescuing the prisoners, they fall back to Skylanders Academy. Kaos learns from Glumshanks that some of the Trolls have been complaining about the Darkness getting bigger from the skies that it eats and Count Moneybone tells Kaos the status on Master Eon's confinement.

Hugo discovers that he has the sock of Master Eon. The Skylanders head to the Cloudscraper Mountains to seek out the Cloudbreather Dragon, who can track Master Eon to where he is being held with the scent of the sock. However, the forces of Kaos have seized the mountain and try to kidnap the Dragon. The Superchargers liberate the dragon just in time. The Cloudbreather Dragon tells them that Eon is currently trapped in the Land of The Undead. However, in order to get there, they must upgrade the Skylander's vehicles Rift Engines using the Thunderous Bolt from Cloud Kingdom. Upon arrival, it seems that the place has been overtaken by Kaos and Lord Stratosfear. He will not allow the Skylanders to take the bolt, so they must defeat him first. The Skylanders take down the transport ships invading the kingdom and attack Lord Stratosfear's Storm Generator. Upon Lord Stratosfear's defeat, all of the vehicles are upgraded by the Thunderous Bolt to travel to the Land of The Undead.

The Superchargers make it to the outskirts of the Detention Center and learn about the Perspective gates, which shifts gravity according to the position of the gate. Fighting their way through the prison and freeing as many prisoners as possible, Count Moneybone is defeated and Eon is freed. Kaos then learns of the defeat, but before he can act, the Darkness comes to life and proceeds to lead Kaos in the direction he needs.

Meanwhile, Master Eon tells the Superchargers that they need to defeat the threat of the Darkness by finding out how the Ancients defeated it the last time, but the only record of this is in the Spell Punk Library, which only a Spell Punk can navigate. The Superchargers go to BattleBrawl Island in order to defeat a giant Spell Punk called SpellSlamzer. The Superchargers then head to the Spell Punk Library, where they learn that the Darkness was let into Skylands by "The Dark Rift Engine", a super powerful Rift Engine, and the Core of Light was developed as a weapon against the Darkness, but it was never completed. They decide to seek the author of a book, Pomfrey Le Fuzzbottom in hopes that he can tell them how to complete the Core of Light. At the Sky Eater, Kaos is convinced by the Darkness to rule the universe and not just Skylands. Glumshanks tries to talk Kaos out of it, but the Darkness convinces Kaos to fire Glumshanks. Glumshanks, who is now jobless, leaves the Sky Eater and is taken to the Skylanders Academy. Buzz is suspicious of Glumshanks, but agrees to give him a trial basis.

The Superchargers head to Gladfly Glades, where they meet a strange collector who promises to give them Fuzzbottom if they can reach him while shrunk to microscopic size. The Superchargers get to Fuzzbottom, who tells them that the last part of the Core of Light is The Eye of the Ancients, which will turn it into a weapon against the Darkness. However, it is in possession of a Lobster Titan and the only way to match the Titan's power is to use the Kolossal Kernel, which is in possession of their old enemy, Cap'n Cluck, who has started a fast food chain called Cap'n Cluck's King Size Chicken. However, this is a front for a chicken army, led by Cluck, and financed by the money he gets from selling his chicken, which he is growing with the Kolossal Kernel. The Superchargers defeat Cluck and take the Kolossal Kernel, which Mags then turns into popcorn. The Superchargers then use the Kolossal Kernel to grow to titan size and defeat the Lobster Titan and gain the Eye of the Ancients.

Mags then completes the Core of Light, but Kaos has been warned by the Darkness that the Core of Light has been completed, and attacks the Skylanders Academy, destroying the Core of Light for good. Glumshanks then sacrifices himself so that the Superchargers can escape. They escape, but they now have no weapon against the Darkness. Pandergast then announces the Ridepacolypse Demolition Derby and the grand prize is Glumshanks. The Skylanders win the derby and get Glumshanks back.

Back at the Academy, Glumshanks proposes that the Superchargers use the Dark Rift Engine to send the Darkness back where it came from. Eon tells them that the Vault of the Ancients is the most likely place that the Dark Rift Engine could be. The Superchargers, Flynn, Tessa, and Glumshanks head to the vault, where they meet a flower-like Watch Wraith named Pluck, who gives the Superchargers the ability to attract and repulse things, or "Push" and "Pull". The Superchargers recover the Dark Rift Engine, but cannot use their "Push" or "Pull" powers outside of the Vault.

Once the Superchargers return, they are attacked by Sky Pirates who kidnap Mags. The Superchargers get on the Flying Bandit Train and fight Captain BlubberBeard, who wants Mags to make their train go faster. BlubberBeard is defeated and Mags finishes modifying the Dark Rift Engine to send the Darkness back to where it came from. Meanwhile, Kaos is confronted by an imaginary Glumshanks, who is trying to stop him from destroying all of Skylands. Kaos begins to doubt that he is doing the right thing in destroying Skylands. He confronts the Darkness about this, but the Darkness threatens to take away his powers, so Kaos opens a Mega Rift to destroy all of Skylands. The Superchargers, Flynn, Cali, and Glumshanks then launch an all-out attack on the Sky Eater and make it to Kaos's throne room, where Kaos attacks the Superchargers with the full Power of the Darkness, but he still loses. The Darkness then freezes everyone except for Kaos. Kaos then gets fed up with the Darkness telling him what to do and activates the Dark Rift Engine, and escapes with the Superchargers and their allies. The credits then roll after that.

Suddenly, the Darkness pulls the Rift back open and sucks in the credits. The Darkness then puts on the remains of the Sky Eater as armor and Eon tells the player that all of their training has led them to this battle, with the Darkness pulling the Superchargers into a void. The Superchargers defeat the Darkness and go back to the Academy, where Kaos tells them that just because the Darkness is gone does not mean that evil is still out there and joins the Academy as "the Ultimate Evil Consultant of Ultimate Evil" until he can find out how to get his powers back. Cali asks Buzz if that's a real job and he says that this is the best way to keep an eye on Kaos for the moment. Flynn then says that they need to do something awesome, which Cali, Buzz, Tessa, Mags, and Hugo all try saying their own versions of "Boom", but Flynn doesn't like them, Flynn finally suggests they all do it together. Everyone then says their own versions of "Boom!". Eon then narrates the player out, until Kaos interrupts him, taking over the closing narration. The credits roll for real this time, ending the game.


For the first time, players can take their Skylanders vehicles straight from the real world into the video games and explore the land, sea, and skies of Skylands. The vehicles are aligned by element and terrain type, which gives players unique abilities and diverse experiences across different settings throughout the game. There are 20 new toy vehicles that fans can play with that feature a variety of designs and types, such as race cars, motorcycles, boats, tanks, helicopters, jets, and submarines. The SuperCharger toys also supports all 300+ Skylanders toys from previous games, enabling any Skylanders character to pilot land, sea, or sky-based vehicles. SuperChargers also have special in-game abilities that help Portal Masters fight Kaos. SuperChargers also have the ability to customize vehicles in-game with cool modifications and upgradeable weapons. For the ultimate gaming experience, players can pair a SuperCharger Skylander with its unique signature vehicle to create a SuperCharged combination, unlocking an exclusive mod that revs up the performance of both the vehicle and character. Skylanders' all-new Racing Mode, playable in Land, Sea, and Sky environments, features supercharged racing combat, layering in even more depth and excitement to the game's online multiplayer component.