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This is my recontextualize piece. The general theme around this one is your basic nike commercial. A greyscal commercial of an athlete running or something on a plain black icon, and at the end the Nike symbol appears with the letters just do it. Well I took it so that it was a play on child labor in other countries. I took the phrase "Just do it" and made it a command, like a factory worker was commanding a child to just make the products and stop complaining. I also changed "Just do it" into "Go buy it" because we all know that's what they really mean, just go buy their shoes because these athletes use them so they MUST be great. I also added the little slogan at the bottom more for humor sake than anything. I cut out the image of the boy and made it greyscale and used an eraser with 0 hardness to soften the edges, I then took the gradien on black and set to multiply and create the overhead light look, and I then inverted it making it white. I also put the image of the false shoetag on there also for humor sake but also to put some reality in the matter. This wasn't really influence by any artists but rather the Nike commercials and the sad, but existant child labor issue.