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This is my hyper reality piece. This was greatly influenced by my recent trip to NYC, more specifically Times square, along with my interest in Japanese architecture. I have always loved Japanese buildings, and actually hope to have my home be built in a Japanese style, so I took some traditional Japanses buildings and fused them into your tpyical Times Square image. The process wasn't so much difficult as it was time consuming. I took alot of care to cut around image and make everything seem as though it were actually in the image. I cut out both the pagoda and the tea house and placed them over the skyscarapers and buildings that were there before. I also saved some of the billboard information so that they were going over the pagoda image to make it seem even more realistic. I also added a Japanese pond which I originally wanted to have some coy fish in, but never got around to adding them. I don't know if I can say I was influenced by any one artist, I more or less had the idea and I ran with it to see where it could go. I think it turned out very well.