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This piece I think is funny, but really wouldn't be understood by anyone outside of this area. It was influenced by all the Billy Fuccilo commercials for his car lots and his coined phrase "HUUUUUGE". What I did was I took an image of a car lot that WASN'T Fuccilo's and I made that the background. The red car in the front was actually cloned and made red from the one next to it because what was there didnt look right. I also had to use the clone tool to fix up spots on the image so it actually took up the whole screen. I then took images of Billy Fuccilo's bus advetisements and an actual picture of one of his car lot's and made sure they were small compared to the other one. Basically eventhough his saying is "HUGE" i made all of his things tiny, more or less to be funny than anything else. It fit the project and it was a good gag on the Fuccilo car lots. This was inspired by whoever comes up with all those horrible commercials for Billy Fuccilo!