Cory Arcangel and Heath Bunting Page


There once was a girl who wished upon a star, that someday she'd be able to fly high way up in the sky. She wished and she wished upon that same star each and every night. Till the moon rose into the heavens, and a mystical and magical creature appeared to give to her that very wish.

This creature was big and had long wings which seemed to never end. The girl was a bit frightened but didn’t show any fear. As she looked him up and down, from his long spiked horns to his long scaly tail. She could only think of where he came from.

Standing in front of him the little girl said, “My name is Clara, how do you do?” The dragon replied, “ I am Thorian, the eldest of my kind, here to give you your wish, as I heard you from afar. Wishing to fly up in the sky. Tell me young one, am I not correct?”

Her eyes widened as she stood there shocked by surprise. “Thorian?” The little girl asked. “Yes?” as he replied. “Does it just have to be one wish you fulfill? Or can you grant me just one more? I would like to go back with you whereever it is you are from.” Thorian looked off into the distance and started to ponder. He saidClara? If I took you back with me would you not miss your family? I am sure they would miss you.”

Clara’s head dropped as she walked over and slouched beneath a great big oak tree. Her head found comfort within her hands as she began to cry. Thorian was now confused as to why this child was sobbing. He turned towards her as his tail wrapped around her waist. “Clara, tell me why do you cry?”

She mumbled a few words, which he didn’t understand. “Clara?” Thorian replied yet again. “Tell me what is the matter?” Her head began to rise, as her eyes were red and her face all wet. She sadly said to him, “ You see I am an orphan, I have no family that will miss me. III wish to go back with you Thorian. I promise not to be of any trouble.”