The reason for this piece was to get some understanding of the Photoshop program and the basic elements it held for us.  The six images I used were put next to each other to categorize the kind and amount of people in each photo.  The top two (my least favorite) were photos of myself and my boy friend, these two were done last and played with to try and make them meld together.  The next two are together because it’s two people in each image, left being two musicians from Echostream, who are also my friends.  The right one being of two suicide girls that  I thought were pretty.  The last being of Japanese Rock musicians, (L)  Miyavi (R) Aki from SID. 
I was inspired more by images of the skulls that Warhol had printed and outlined in many ways then most others. 
All of the images have many layers, that used mixing of colors, opacity, outlining, and some with an extra layer of itself with a lower opacity. 
Extreem Scale

I had many ideas for this peice, mixing ideas of hyperreality and Extreme scale at first. Though in the end with limited rescourses I finished with what I have now.


Hyper Reality
For this we were to take images and create an unrealistic world, that looked believable. At fgirst I wished to continue my ideas with the extreem scale, though, after finding an image of the girl sitting reaching, I began to create something different. My interest in flying fish, photogenic skies, and umbrelas had a love child, wich was this peice.
Meme Hack
This is the project I felt was the best to be learned from, while it was my least favorite project in the end. What I mean is, my creation is less then what I would have liked it to be, but the concepts behind it, and what I learned in the time period were more then I thought they would have been.
Influence of Digital Technology.