You get up from your desk to see what your co-workers are up to.
Three of them, Cheryl, Tom, and Grace, are gathered around a cubicle talking about their plans for the weekend. They look at you as you walk up, one of them greeting you happily.
Your co-worker Cheryl asks if you have plans for the weekend. You say you don’t think you’re busy, laughing a little so that no one suspects how sad it makes you because you never have plans. You never feel up to doing anything.
Your other co-workers suggest you all go out for drinks some time. You say you’ll think about it. Mainly because every time you drink, it only lightens you up for a bit before you start to think about your life and just turn into a mess.
You really don’t want your co-workers to see that side of you.
Cheryl asks if you want to join her for lunch at the café across the street. She says that you’re always eating alone, and she won’t take no for an answer.

Smile and agree to lunch.

Say no and go back to your desk.