You leave your desk and run to the bathroom, heading immediately for a stall and slamming the door shut, locking it. You sit down on the toilet, holding your head in your hands.
You can’t hold it in; you start sobbing immediately. You’ve just felt so miserable and down for so long, you sometimes wonder if anything will ever change.
You have Meowser, but there’s only so much a cat can do, no matter how much love is in that little body. You barely talk to your friends anymore, since it always just feels like you’re the odd man out.
It’s been four years since your last relationship, and you’ve basically been all alone since. You wonder why you keep going sometimes.
You leave the stall and walk to the sink, turning on the faucet to wash your face. You look in the mirror at your miserable appearance: eyes puffy and sunken in from crying, face all red and blotchy from how upset you’ve been.
No one ever looks good after crying, but you feel like you’re probably the ugliest crier of all.
It’s probably time for you to go back before someone wonders where you’ve been.

Return to your cubicle.