This site was created to give a small taste of what living with depression can be like on a daily basis, and how hard it can be to overcome it. How one chooses to deal with depression changes from person to person, but the one connecting fact is that depression can be difficult to live with. One may choose to try and overcome the pain, while another may just choose to end the pain.

I purposely chose to leave out an option to go back in the pages. Like in life, once you make a decision, there is no going back. You just have to live with your actions and see where they take you.

Below there are two choices: you can look through the navigation, should you wish to return to a page and choose a different path, or you can start the story over, and see what you can do different to get a new ending. There are three in all.

Navigation | Start Over
"I know of people who don't believe it, but depression is an illness, but unlike, say, a broken leg, you don't know when it'll get better." - Marlan Keyes